Tuesday, July 08, 2003

No D/s for Phenomenal Women?: Was looking at joining this group who preached about understanding and tolerance etc etc. http://www.phenomenalwomen.com. It looked like a decent group Thought I would apply till I got to this page. How can someone who states they believe in choice and tolerance be so against something a person chooses to do. She talks about being a housewife, I say how is being a good housewife any different then submitting to someone. As a housewife you are using your skill and energy in order to make your enivironment clean and organized for the people in your home. Its not different. Just a prettier name on it so women dont get too scared that someone may have control over them.

When did control become such a horrible thing. Someone has to be in control. and Everyone can't be in control. SO when did it become a bad thing that someone who is comfortable with the job and does it well has control. Especially when the person who is being controlled know the other person is the better person for the job. Whats wrong with that it happens in business all the time. Its the natural flow of human, no all sentiant, interaction. There will always be alpha's and there will always be deltas and beautiful shades in between. Its just natures way of maintaining order.

I guess since I believe in order (go figure I am a virgo) that I must not be a phenoMENal women. Oh well! I guess I will just keep my order and be a happy girl instead.


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