Saturday, December 09, 2000

Thinking last night about what I had posted and realized that by using the electoral college system we have in effect done exactly what the college system was supposed to prevent. We have allowed one state the ability to choose the presidency. Too hold an entire country captive. Only in America would this happen.

On page 174 in vol 17 number 46 of Network World, Mark Gibbs made some interesting comments. A comment by a mathametician named Donald Saari really got my attention:

"The plurality vote is the only procedure that will elect someone who's despised by almost two-thirds of the voters."

This article also referred to a link you all should check out. Well I am off my soapbox when it comes to politics for now. It is one subject that really does not please me but probably because I am much more of a TRUE communist then anything else. I am not referring to communism as we see it manifested today, I am referring to pure communism. It will never happen because as we know someone has to be IN CHARGE and Noone wants to work with his fellow man to improve things anymore. Community means nothing anymore. People just turn their backs on the people in need around them. Even during a month like December who's very theme in todays society is LOVE and GIVING there is precious little of either. But that is a whole other subject I could go on forever about.

Maybe later.....

kisses sulis

Alls cool the rules where posted a couple of days ago you will have to check the archives or scroll down to find it. Thanks for helping out I have to be fair to everyone.

Sorry, I had consulted with Poma and was unaware of any rules...... thnx for not trippin.

Friday, December 08, 2000

And in my sadness I will dwell
For love is lost and time is hell
And through the night
And through the day
I watch as my life fades away.

I wrote this quite a while ago......... I need my pain and misery. They are the preeminent driving forces in my life. People need to back off.

Thought I would just say "Hi", as I sit here with my girl at High Tech and watch her take a test........ smashing good phun :-)

How thick is blood anyways: This morning the Florida supreme court made a ruling that could change history and test the bonds of brotherhood. After losing two circuit court judgements Gore found himself the winner of a crucial Florida supreme court ruling. He will get to count the underreported votes in all counties, we are talking thousands of votes that the mechanical vote reader couldn't read because the chad had been dimpled and not punched through. This means a possible reversal of the presidential election vote. The supreme court further stated that should the Florida senate continue with it course to determine the electoral representatives for thier state (note:Florida is a Republican run senate so reps choosen will undoubtedly be Republican and inclined to vote for Bush)those representatives will be bound by the outcome of the recount. If Gore wins the recount and they choose to defy the recount and vote for Bush in spite of the ruling, the Florida Supreme Court will hold the Governer Jeb Bush and the Secretary of State in contempt of court. This in effect will leave Governor J Bush fined and possibly in jail, definetly he will be ruined politically. Are the bonds of brotherhood strong enough to risk that for the presidency?

Then there is the possiblity that florida will be sending 2 sets of electoral reps and the fight will be on as to who the federal governement will certify as the official electoral reps. Is it even the right of the florida senate to choose to quote one senator:

``I believe this is illegal, unconstitutional and plain wrong,'' Rossin said. ``Senators, no matter how bad you want the governor of Texas to be president, we cannot substitute our will for the will of the people. Our constituents sent us here to represent them, not to vote for them.''

So what will the Federal governement due faced with 2 sets of voters. Through them all out? Let the Senate decide? who knows? All I know is we are watching the folly of claiming to be democratic in a republic. For a country who fights for Democracy why is it the majority of this country's voices are being ignored? The Electoral collage was setup to help balance the power between low population and high population areas.Today, where the vote is so close and each and every person can have their voice heard in a second why do we need to remain a republic for things as inportant as the presidency let the people choose! OR is it that BIG BROTHER doesn't think we are smart enough to make that decision for ourselves we need professionals to make the final decision?

oh well check your history this year marks a 0 election year. Whomever becomes president they better watch thier back. History doesn't look good for them. Every president elected on such a year has had an assasination attmept made on their lives most didn't survive. So tell me do either of you BUSH or GORE really want to be president?

Damn I am tired starting to babble Links comming soon. kisses sulis

Thursday, December 07, 2000

::opens the curtain of reality and enters::

Boo! I am now here. I would sell my soul for a friend. But thats just my opinion. I don't have many friends and by george, I wanna keep the ones I do have :-) Here is my blog. Hope to have a wonderful time here. Take care everyone.

::steps back into eternity, closing the folds behind Him::

Welcome: seems that our little family has been steadily growing, welcome to all you new people who are just now joining the team. Just wanted to explain the everyone the basics rules here. there are only a few rules but they must be followed:

  • No real names: for safety reasons please do not use real info on the list like phone numbers, names, or addresses feel free to share among yourself by emial but not in public please.
  • No personal attacks: Play nice or leave PERIOD!!
  • Keep it on the blog: For those of you who know me personally or know someone on the list keep the post on the list please do not fight or bring up any bad comments or problems with any posts made to list. The list was made so people can feel free to post thier minds without fear of being attacked for their feelings.

  • If you feel like you can't honor the rules email me and I will be happy to remove you from the team.

    For those of you who are just joining please send me the address of your blog, a picture some info about you and your home page. thanks kisses and all that

    Wednesday, December 06, 2000

    Friends, introspections,frustration,anger and angst: Seems that Dark Sir opened up a deep wound with alot of us. To be honest I find friendship, love and family both extremely fullfilling and utterly frustrating. Your friends and family constantly bring you joy and at the same time tear at your heart. Little wounds that never seem to heal. Spend more time with me, (complete with sad faces you all know who you are children and adult alike), work harder need more money, be happy, be healthy, Is it possible to feel and do all this at the same time. Frustration, anger and sadness seem to be hanging over me right now. The season and hormones playing a huge part in this party but there is so much more. I NEED to be SUPERWOMAN. I need to make my family happy. Fuck weather I am happy, its them that matters. I dragged them into this place we call my life some by choice others by birth in the end it doesnt matter I am responsible for it all. Makes me think how do others deal with the constant tugging in opposite directions. Do you lash out, cry, beary(spelling was never my strong point)yourself, RUN AWAY, run to shelter, scream, fight, laugh, what is it that helps you cope with anger and frustration? When someone you love pulls at your heart, or rips at your soul? When the ones we love disappoint us? IS there a right or a wrong way? The law says..... Well the law is the law I dont want to hear that. I want to know what heals your heart what cleanses your soul when the blood and mud of life have baked on to it?

    Monday, December 04, 2000

    Friends.... To me there are levels of friendship. I use the term friend loosely So people understand the basic idea of what I mean. Like When I say "God" I dont necessarily mean the same one the listener may. Just a sort of shorthand. Just like D/s means different things to so many.

    So yah I have lots of friends. Some are more aquaintances. Some are more like family. I have friends like someone mentioned in his blog, that have been with me for YEARS and been there for me when the sh*t was being flayed by the fan. Some I have known for a long time and are very generous but I have never met in person. I have some that I call friends but they are more casual than that.

    The first example is someone who, were I able (which I am not) to take a bullet for, I would. The second, I would help as much as possible in my ability from so far untill it caused problems at home. The third would depend on how busy I was and things of that nature.

    So friend, is a relative term like all others.
    And in the end, when all is said and done. The only people who REALLY count are your imediate family.

    let me ask you this, sulis.. Stop me if i sound stupid or ignorant (please no comments from the peanut gallery). Why would/do you do so much for your friends? Why do they deserve to be sacrificed for, so much? Is this an aspect of unconditional love? does 'unconditional love' truly exist?

    Sunday, December 03, 2000

    Some changes are being made in the design of LWS look to see new links and new people everyday the new website will be posted soon. Love ya all kisss sulis